Encore co-CEO and Founder Chad Farrell served as a lead facilitator in discussions with other mission-driven CEOs affiliated with Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR) with Vermont’s Speaker of the House of Representatives Jill Krowinski and Senate President Pro Tempore Phillip Baruth. The discussions were part of VBSR’s 2023 Businesses for Climate Action Day and were focused around new legislation intended to strengthen Vermont’s renewable energy standard (RES). The intent of the legislation (H.320) is to more accurately align Vermont’s renewable energy procurement requirements and eligible sources of renewable energy credits (RECs) with the rest of New England while increasing the amount of new renewable energy that utilities must procure in both Vermont and throughout New England.

“As values led company and VBSR member organization specializing in reclaiming undervalued real estate for community scale clean energy generation and energy storage, we at Encore Renewable Energy appreciated the opportunity to meet with both the Speaker of the Vermont House of Representatives as well as the Vermont Senate President Pro Tempore to speak about the importance of a thriving clean energy sector for economic development opportunity in Vermont. The ability to have direct dialogue with legislative leaders while also hearing from them how to best enact forward-looking legislation is one of the things that makes Vermont a great place to do business. We’re thankful to VBSR for creating the opportunity to have these important conversations on behalf of all Vermonters.”